Eh betul ker ikut saya ni?

Aug 9, 2010

Jika itu takdirnya....ayah...


aku ambik masa lagi untuk tulis n3 kali ini. dan aku masih tak percaya yg aku akan menulis n3 sebegini pada tahun ini..tidak kali ini......ohh hati..hanya airmata pengubat kerinduanku, hanya airmata menemaniku...hanya airmata kekuatanku..hanya airmata luahan perasaanku....

hari ini 9 Ogos 2010 genap 2 bulan pemergian arwah ayah aku...masih belum aku dapat menerima takdir ini walau ayah sudah lama menderita sakit ayah, ayah masih boleh bekerja..mencari duit hanya duduk dikerusi rodanya..hanya berpandukan dengan panggilan telefon ayah masih mencari rezseki..ayah juga masih mempunyai pengaruh dlm politik dia..ayah masih tetap sorang ayah dan seorang suami...

setelah pemergian mak...aku lihat ayah cuba bertahan..bertahan menahan airmata dia...cuba menjadi kuat..dan cuba menhjalani kehidupan dia sebagai seorang ayah,suami dan juga seorang lelaki.ayah cuba bertahan...cuma kadang2 air mata ayah jatuh jugak apabila berbicara tentang mak. ayah memuji mak...menyanjungi mak..ayah rindukan ayah cuba bertahan...ayah redha...ayah selalu kata Allah lebih sayangkan mak...mak terlalu baik sebagai seorang manusia..seorang hamba allah dan juga sebagai seorang isteri. ayah ceritakan semua perihal wasiat mereka,semua cerita yg ayah dan mak hanya berkongsi berdua...ayah ceritakan pada kami semua...

selepas mak meninggal aku cuti selama seminggu dikampung..utk meneman ayah..utk berkongsi kesedihan dengan keluargaku..dan pemergianku di shanghai juga tidak disambung..aku tak kisah..aku masih ingat yg kak aku tak mengizinkan aku pergi sbb takut apa2 terjadi pada ayah..aku pasrah..dr malam pertama mak pergi aku tidur sebelah ayah, aku perlu jaga kencing ayah..aku perlu bangun utk bantu ayah..sama seperti apa yg mak buat dulu..kadang2 dlm satu pagi tu ayah akan kejut 4-5 kali utk buang air kecil (kdg2 tak paham knp kurang minum tp kerap sgt buang air kecil)..lelap ke tak tidur tu jgn cakap la..mmg akan sambung tidur lagi siangnyer..nasib baik la aku jenis tak tidur mati...ayah kejut aku terus bangun...dan tak lupa jugak kakak aku dan anak dia meneman gak ayah tidur dibawah,kami buat sbb nak bagi ramai dlm bilik ayah, tak nak ayah sunyi sangat. dan ayah akan bangun utk sembahyang subuh..rutin ayah waktu mak masih ada..kul 9 pagi baru keluar dr bilik..dan lepas subuh tu mak akan buka tv utk ayah dengar apa yg dia leh dengar...ekon tutup...kipas bunyi..ayah akan stay dlm bilik dlm kul 9 pastu makan ubat, sarapan,baca suratkhabar, baca buku, telefon org itu org ini, lunch, mkn ubat,solat zohor pastu masuk balik bilik.kul 6 ayah keluar balik dr bilik, solat zohor..pastu rehat sat..solat maghrib..tgk berita...layan oprg kalau dtg pastu solat isyak..pastu masuk bilik balik..itu rutin ayah bila mak ada. bila mak tak ada, rutin ayah berubah....kadang2 makan tengahari lewat..lepas solat baru masuk bilik dan aku pun terpaksa jugak lewat makan sbb nak teman ayah...semua ni kami buat nak bagi ayah tak rasa sunyi...ayah bukan mcm org lain yg boleh berjalan ke sana sini..ayah hanya mampu bergerak dr bilik ke ruang tamu dan sebaliknya...dunia ayah terlalu kecil bila dia sakit sbb tu kami berusaha sebaik mungkin utk tidak bg ayah sunyi....sebab tu jugak maklang aku (adik ayah yg hanya duk di depan rumah selalu datang waktu siang..dan sebelah malam dia dtg dgn makngah dan pakngah (adik ayah sowang lagi) selepas balik dr masjid..sembang la apa2 saja yg leh disembang...kesian ayah..aku sungguh kesian...kami lak anak2 tak berapa nak rapat dgn ayah kalau bab bercerita..luah perasaan ni semua..lebih pada kami cuba gak...kami betul2 cuba...ayah juga jarang aku tgk berlawak dgn cucu dia...anak sedara aku faris..kalau dulu mak ada selalu jd bahan lawak ayah..main tunjuk tumbuk, ganggu ayah sembahyang dgn duk atas sejadah...aku tgk ayah jarang dah nak buat semua tu...faris pun mcm tau ayah sedang bersedih....

dan seminggu aku dapat menjaga ayah...makan minum dia..kencing dia..tidur sebelah dia...itu saja la yg aku rasa ayah sedar aku berada disamping dia...pastu aku balik ke kl semula..kerja mcm hati menderita kesedihan...aku cuba menelefon ayah setiap hari bertanyakan khabar dia..tanya pasla cucu ayah yg semapt bagi kegembiraan mak dan ayah selama dua tahun..dan aku dpt tau gak maklang dan makngah pakngah selalu datang melawat ayah....aku rasa sedikit lega..dan hampir setiap minggu aku akan balik kampung..mmg ditakdirkan aku akan aku balik walau letih dan hati demi ayah aku balik jugak..

selepas tu aku balik pulak ke perlis waktu cuti wesak day..abg aku pun balik semua dgn keluarga dia sbb time tu cuti sekolah..aku balik 6 june 2010 selepas aku habis kerja di putrajaya..dan sebelum tu aku balik ke kl 30hb..aku masih ingat kul 6 pg aku dpt sms dr abg yg ayah masuk hospital..ayah penat dan pg tu abg aku bw ayah ke hospital dan dia dimasukkan ke wad.aku rasa mcm nak balik saja ke perlis tp abg kata ayah tak apa2 sangat cuma penat skit..dan aku berbelah bagi sbb aku dah janji komitmen aku dgn boss kat opis utk kerja pada 5 june sejak tu hari2 aku call kampung tanya perihal ayah..aku risau..hanya mampu berdoa dan aku terus mohon cuti minggu depan tu...aku balik ke kampung 6 june..abg aku kat kl ni dah balik awal...depa semua bergilir2 jaga ayah...ya allah penatnya menjaga org sakit...dan waktu tu kami tu tau beban mak menjaga ayah..beban mak mengangkat ayah sampai bagi kesan bg perut dia..abg aku yg badan agak besar pun leh rasa kesakitan apatah kudrat tua mak...dan aku sampai terus ke hospital 6 hb tu...ayah meraung..itu saja yg ayah selalu buat bila masuk ke hospital..meraung bising sampai satu wad leh dengar...kadnag2 bg gak kesan pada kami..kadang2 nasib baik di hospital..sapa la nak marah kalau meraung kesakitan kan?aku jaga ayah ikut shift pagi...petang..pada 7hb...8hb...ayah sedar dgn tak sedar org2 disekeliling dia...kadang kami semua kena bg ayah duduk berdiri skit bg dia sedar sapa disekeliling dia...pastu ayah tak larat...ayah nak kena tidur balik..pastu dia meraung...dan 8hb tu...aku jaga shift petang dgn abg sulung aku dan alia anak sedara aku..ayah meraung lagi...sempat gak kami berlawak suruh dia bg sihat..tidur...nnt sihat leh tgk bola piala dunia..kadang2 ayah sedar..ayah kadang sedar kalau kami skit terkasar angkat fia..ayah kadang2 tegur...bagi kami itu lawak ayah..yasin kursi semua dibaca ke telinga ayah tp ayah masih meraung...ayah pada awal minggu di hospitla selalu sebut nama arwah mak pastu dia sedar balik kenapa dia masih mak sbb dia tau mak dah tak sedar dia hanya sekejap saja..nama mak masih lagi disebut...dan hari2 akhir ayah di hospital ayah sebut nama mak dan dia tak heran dah..dia sebut nak balik..dia nak balik gak rumah...dan selepas berkira dgn doktor..doktor bg ayah balik 8hb tu petang..aku settlekan apa yg patut..ambik ubat ayah punya la banyak..dan ayah balik dlm kul 6.30 lebih sampai di rumah dalam kul 7 malam...ayah tak sedar...ayah tertidur dikerusi roda dia dgn mulut skit terbuka...kami sangkakan ayah letih sbb tak cukup tidur..ayah tak bercakap sepatah pun...masih tidur...

dan malam tu kami semua berkumpul dirumah...tgk ayah..ayah masih tidur..aku sempat gak bagi ayah makan skit dan ayah nampak leh telan makanan skit...dan pastu abg aku berkira2 nak bawa masuk ayah dalam bilik utk tidur..sbb ayah tak sedar agak susah kalau seorang nak bawa..dan mlm tu aku masih ingat abg aku yg sulung keluar utk beli makanan dan malam agak lewat abg aku yg nombor dia ambik inisiatif cukur jambang ayah...aku tgk ayah senyap dan masih tidur...dan ayah dimasukkan ke bilik..ditidurkan..tidur lak mengiring atau terlentang sbb kami dgr nafas ayah agak kuat...abg aku no 2 call sepupu kami yg di penang kerja sbg jururawat tanya mcm mana nak buat bg nafas ayah kurang bunyi..dia suurh tidur terlentang..abg aku bg ayah tidur terlentang..dan abg aku gak buang gigi palsu ayah..abg aku kata ayah mcm tak mau bg buang..akhirnya buang gak...nak bg ayah selesa...dan ayah pun tidur...dan aku tidur disebelah ayah...aku hanya mendergar bunyi nafas ayah..itu saja yg aku baut utk pikir ayah masih bernyawa..aku pegang bahu ayah utk bg ayah tahu yg aku disebelah ayah...aku pegang ayah lagi...

dlm 2.30 pagi abg aku no 2 masuk bilik nak tgk keadaan ayah...dia pegang..kata ayah peluk sejuk..dia check gula ayah..gula ayah turun lagi...dia telefon suruh bg gula skit kat ayah...aku pun bagi..ayah leh telan air gula tu skit..abg cek lagi gula ayah..gula ayah masih menurun..abg risau..dia kata nak bawa ayah p hospital..dia call ambulans..ayah perlu masuk wad balik..dan aku kejut abg, kakak maklang.,maksu dan makngah bgtau ayah nak masuk hospital..aku ke laur rumah...abg call kwn dia suruh tunggu laur standby ambulan..aku tak dpt call maklang so aku ke rumah dia..nasib baik ada sepupu aku yg br balik dr mana tah...aku masih diluar..ayah dipangku abg..dan aku tgk kak sedang ambik nadi ayah..kami semua anak2 disamping ayah..bila kak nak ambik nadi ayah tu..aku diluar bilik tp aku mengadap ayah..aku didepan ayah..bila kak nak ambik nadi aku nampak ayah mcm kena tarik..dia tarik senafas dan terus senyap..aku kelaur balik rumah..aku tunggu ambulans..aku tgk ayah senyap..abg aku mcm dah tau ayah dah tak ada..aku rasa jantung ayah..aku cuba rasa nadi tak ada..abg aku kata kat aku..dah la lin..ayah dah tak ada..dan waktu ambulan dah sampai..dia pun ambik nadi ayah..dua kali..aku namapk hanya garisan datar aku tak percaya ayah dah pergi..aku suruh dia buat CPR kat ayah..dia senyap tak terkata..cuma abg aku suruh aku sabar jgn bg aku nangis sbb aku asma...dan ayah mmg dah pergi jam 3.30 pagi dgn semua anak2 disamping dia...


semua ahli kelaurga tau...aku call kawan2 dia..aku sms kawan2 awal pagi tu..apa lagi aku nak buat..nangis nangis nangis!dan aku sedar..pemergian arwah mak 33 hari sebelum tu sebenarnya menolong kami semua menguruskan kematian..semua dah tahu apa yg perlu dibuat..semua dah tahu tempat mana nak dimandikan ayah..arwah mak masih lagi menolong kami semua walaupun dia dah pergi....

arwah ayah rancang dikebumikan dlm kul 11 tp sbb tahu semua anak2 sedara dia di KL dan Ipoh nak balik jadi ayah dikebumikan selepas zohor..alhamdullilah semua sempat balik kecuali menantu PHD dia yg tak balik..ntah apa alasan bodoh dia bagi...bapak mertua kau meninggal tau..bukan org lain..yg lain duk KL pun sempat balik ko knp tak balik..dan saat itu aku isytihar perang kat dia..dan aku rasa mcm malas nak jawap soalan dr org lain knp dia tak balik..argh aku nak pikir ayah aku saja...

tempat terakhir ayah sama dgn tenpat arwah mak utk dikunjung...tempat mandi pun sama...cuma tempat utk dikapankan ayah dibahagian depan..aku dan keluarga dpt lagi pengalaman mandi dan kapankan org meninggal..mmg benar arwah mak menolong..terima kasih mak...sewaktu ayah meninggal tu aku dah cakap kat abg nak ayah dikebumikan sebelah arwah mak tp tengahari tu dpt tau tak ada tempat sebelah mak, sebelah mak dah ada kubur lain jadi ayah dikebumikan di sebelah jalan ke kubur tu...ayah selamat dikebumikan jam 2.30 ptg...

dan mlm tu..kami semua dpt tau ayah dikebumikan sebelah tiang lampu dikawasan perkuburan yang ayah usaha sendiri pasang dan bayar awal thn ni..dan mlm kubur ayah disenari lampu yg ayah pasang..seolah ayah tahu dia akan pergi thn ni....

ya allah...aku masih tak dpt terima kenyataan ini..dua2 meninggalkan kami hanpir serentak..walau ayah sakit lama tp aku masih yakin yg ayah masih boleh allah lebih sayangkan ayah...

ayah pergi 33 hari selepas mak pergi...menamatkan 43 tahun hidup bersama dimuka bumi..
Ya Allah..bahagiakanlah mereka disana...lapangkankah mereka disana..temukanlah mereka disana...

jika aku boleh undur masa....06052010 09062010

Aug 7, 2010

I wish i could........

live the house like this.......

sourounding with neighbour that also have beautiful antique cottage...

that i could visit them in the gloomy evening...

with beautiful scene and building....

or perhaps my wkends transit.... :p

after long day of working......

it's time for me to pemper my body with beautiful dresses.....

for my knight to see......

and carry me to a ball.....

or with romantic this.......

and then dance until the night....just two of us.....

oh of course everybody else to witness our romance......

and also with very VVIP VVIP distinguished guest.....

and of course after the dancing me with friend take some rest at beautiful garden....

and in the morning had a beautiful breakfast with my man.....

and visit market for me to cook to him....

oh so many things that i can cook.....

but iknow..what i do..what i say...what i give..he will happy.. :)

until the night.....

we have a beautiful walk....

so beautiful scene..sound..air that we breath.....

oh i wish i could live on that period....
i really love 17,18,19th century...
mostly in western place
all about that....all about the dress,scene,talk,building.............................
there are so from any from anything that man can destroy it...
and for that i had my collection for period movies and book..full of collection of picture on my pc..
and also my favourite radio is also Opus fm!
oh..if i could be there...and my lips are speechless.............

Aug 6, 2010


Hari ni 6 Ogos 2010...genap 3 bulan pemergian arwah mak...
makin lama makin hati ini rindu pada arwah..tersangat rinduuu :(
hanya Allah saja yang mengetahui isi hati ini...

Ya Allah..kuatkanlah hati hambaMu yang lemah ini...
Tempatkanlah arwah di tempat orang2 yang beriman..
Arwah banyak berkorban di dunia ini.

Ya Allah...bahagikanlah arwah Ibu ku di sana......

Aug 5, 2010

10 list haunted castle in the world

Now, let see the 10 list most haunted castle in the world. Its must be interesting to visit here..of course there must be a lot of activities and history event that happened a long long long time ago....The murder..scandal in the castle is a really good story and beautiful history for us to read it. I wish i can visit one of the castle soon...

source :

1. Castle Bran – Dracula’s Castle

Dracula’s Playground can be found in a creepy and remote corner of the Carpathian Mountains in Romania. Bran Castle sits high upon craggy peaks within Transylvania, bringing vampires to mind. But there is no historic proof that Vlad the Impaler resided in Dracula’s Castle during his reign of terror. Dracula impaled thousands at a time, sometimes making their agonizing torture go on for months until death would claim his victims. Castle Bran is renowned for its infamous claim to haunted fame. Tourists are welcomed to find out. The little chapel, or grotto, in the bottom right adds an extra creepy element. As requested in Queen Marie’s will, after her death, her heart was placed in a gold casket and buried in Balcic, later moved to this grotto by Bran Castle.

[youtube: 468 310]

Scariest Places on Earth visits Dracula’s Castle.

2. Leap Castle – Ireland’s Most Haunted

Perhaps the most haunted castle in Ireland is Leap Castle. More than 400 years ago, in 1532, brother turned against brother to shed blood. One was a warrior who rushed into the chapel and used his sword to slay the priest who was his brother. The priest fell across the altar and died. The chapel is known as Bloody Chapel since that time. The dungeon in the castle is called an oubliette. Prisoners pushed into the oubliette fell eight feet onto spikes coming up from the floor. Leap Castle is also haunted by an Elemental, a dark evil creature about the size of a sheep and has a human face and black pools for eyes. It smells of rotting flesh. It’s a great place to go for a ghost hunt. See if you agree with the paranormal “proof.”

[youtube: 468 310]

TAPS, the Ghost Hunters, investigated and here is their reveal.

3. Newcastle Castle Keep & The Black Gate

About AD 12, the Romans constructed a fort in this location which later became a cemetery. Hundreds of the dead in the graveyard were supposedly moved when in around 1172, this stone castle was built upon that very same land. It’s now Newcastle upon Tyne, England. There is about 75 feet separating the Castle Keep and the Blackgate gatehouse. Many teams of paranormal experts have led investigations here where tragedy is seeped into the ancient ground. Many of those experts claim Castle Keep is very haunted.

[youtube: 468 310]

Most Haunted roams Castle Keep, searching for paranormal proof of a haunting.

4. Belcourt Castle

Construction began on Belcourt Castle located in Newport, Rhode Island, in 1891. The entire first floor was an extravagant stable as was requested by the owner. But in 1956, the Tinney Family bought Belcourt Castle. Harold Tinney adored his castle. He is said to roam the grounds and haunt his castle even in his afterlife. If haunted castles are your type of place, you can do more than travel there to visit. The castle is currently for sale and you can make it your own for a cool $ 7.2 million.

[youtube: 468 310]

After an investigation at Belmont Castle, Ghost Hunters analyzes the evidence.

5. Witches Castle

Moosham Castle in Unternberg, Austria, has a terrible and accursed past. It was in this castle where Austria’s bloodiest witch trials took place. Untold thousands of young women who were accused of being witches were tormented and killed in torture chambers in the dungeon. Moosham Castle is now better known as Witches Castle.

[youtube: 468 310]

Ghost Hunters International conducts a ghost hunt at Witches Castle.

6. Predjama Castle

(images credits:Travel Webshots,oxycoccos,Travel Webshots,Franz St.,rolypoly girl)
A castle built within a cave, now that is brilliant in terms of defense and offense. In Slovenia, Predjama Castle is known to date back to at least 1274. In the 15th century, a renowned robber baron fled the revenge of the Holy Roman Emperor and settled his family in this castle fortress. There ensued a long siege in which the castle was destroyed. It was rebuilt in 1511 before being destroyed by an earthquake. The castle was once again rebuilt in 1567 and has a secret natural shaft that leads out of the castle for supplies as well as when the robber baron needed a quick in and out for his robberies. With at least 700 years of violent history, Pedjama Castle is said to be extremely haunted.

[youtube: 468 310]

Ghost Hunters International reveals their evidence at Predjama Castle.

7. Dragsholm Castle

(images credits:private,,Panoramio,Meet in Copenhagen,hebborn,Thorninger)
Dragsholm Castle in Denmark was built in the late 12th century. Today it is a renowned hotel, but Dragsholm Castle’s biggest claim to fame is its alleged haunting of over a hundred ghosts. Legend has it that three of these spirits continue to demand attention: Grey Lady, White Lady and the Earl of Bothwell. Perhaps the most tragic of all, the White Lady, was a young girl who fell in love with a commoner who worked in the castle. The girl’s father found out about the lovers and ordered his daughter imprisoned in her room, never to be seen alive again. During the early part of the 20th century, workers were tearing down some old walls. To their horror, they came across a small recess in one of the walls which contained a small skeleton wearing a white dress.

[youtube: 468 310]

Ghost Hunters International leads an investigation at Dragholm Castle.

8. Edinburgh Castle

(images credits:Study Abroad Foundation,backpack tours,Travel Knitter,Hotel Hotline)
The Scottish fortress built high upon a plug of an extinct volcano dates back to the 9th century. Edinburgh Castle has been there since the 12th century. Although it appears impregnable, in 800 years, the castle has taken part in numerous historic conflicts and wars, having been besieged both successfully and unsuccessfully many times. Deep in the bowels of Edinburgh Castle, dark and damp dungeons lie hidden away that had been used for imprisonment and torture over the centuries. Additionally there was construction of the vaults in the fifteenth century, but now that underground labyrinth of tunnels with 120 rooms are in an area known as Crown Square. At one point in history, the vaults were used to quarantine and eventually entomb victims of the plague. Archaeological evidence points back to the Iron Age, so Castle Rock and Edinburgh may very well be the longest continually occupied site in Scotland. With so much conflict and so much history, is it any wonder that many people swear Edinburgh Castle is haunted?

Screaming Vaults
[youtube: 468 310]

The vaults that run underground are said to perhaps be even more haunted than Edinburgh Castle. You be the judge as people scream.

[youtube: 468 310]

Edinburgh Castle and the vaults are like any so-called haunted place. There are believers in ghosts and things that bump back in the night as well as rational explanations as to what might be causing the “paranormal” events.

9. Dalhousie Castle, Bonnyrigg, Edinburgh, Scotland

(images credits:Scottish Travel,hotels-world,asyoulikeitweddings,car rental India)
More than 800 years old, teenage Lady Catherine of Dalhousie was once deeply in love. Her parents however forbid her to see her young man. She then locked herself in the top room of the castle and starved herself to death. Legend has it that her lovelorn ghost roams the castle still to this day. Dalhousie Castle is now a renowned hotel, ironically a hotspot for lovers and newlyweds.

[youtube: 468 310]

An investigative reporter, a non-believer in ghosts, quickly has her mind changed.

10. Chillingham Castle

(images credits:Historic Houses Association,tripadvisor,Chillingham Castle)
Chillingham Castle in England is most famous for its ghosts and is marketed as the most haunted castle in Britian. The “star” ghost of castle is the “blue boy” who is sometimes also called the radiant boy. Legend has it that he haunts the Pink Room. Guests of the Pink Room have reported seeing blue flashes of light or a blue halo of light above their bed after a long loud wailing. The hauntings decreased or perhaps ceased after renovation work revealed two bodies, a man and a young boy who were both bricked inside a 10-foot thick wall. The owners however claim the hauntings continue, so ghost hunters and paranormal investigators still come to investigate the mysteries of Chillingham Castle.

[youtube: 468 310]

Most Haunted visits Chillingham Castle to investigate the paranormal.

Aug 3, 2010

Top 10 Famous Real Ghosts

I really love mystery/ghost story. Make more thrill when it's happened very last last last century..i love the view..the life there...Here i found some interesting article about 10 famous real ghost. Wonder there have a package for this such activies/place.? hmmmm

10. Kate Morgan Hotel del Coronado

The Hotel del Coronado is a stunning Victorian beachfront resort hotel in the very southern California city of Coronado, just south of San Diego. It was only four years open when a beautiful young woman named Kate Morgan checked in on November 24th, 1892. She was apparently very ill for the time she spent at the hotel, and it was later speculated she had taken a large dose of quinine in an effort to induce miscarriage of an unwanted child. That she was distraught there was little argument, so when she was found on the outside steps leading to the beach on November 29th, with a single bullet hole in her temple and a gun nearby, the death was quickly ruled a suicide. From that point on, strange phenomena have been reported at the hotel: strange noises, lights flickering on and off, and even the occasional ghostly woman in Victorian garb wandering the halls.

It is worth noting during my research on this story that the particular room number where most of the phenomena is witnessed varies from account to account. Whether because the accounts are second hand (and many of them are), or whether there is confusion due to the changing of the room number over the years as the hotel has expanded, I cannot say.

9. Ghosts of the Stanley Hotel

If you where staying at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado and turned to channel 42 of your guest-room television, you would be watching one of my all-time favorite movies: The Shining. Doesn’t matter what time of day or night, or year for that matter, it is always on. That’s not supernatural, of course- merely a nod to their role as the inspiration for Stephen King’s novel. Employees report hearing the commotion of a great party in the grand ballroom when there is no one there. Children can be heard playing in the halls when there are no children at all, and many guests have reported seeing ghostly figures in their rooms at night, merely standing, watching. The fourth floor seems to be host to the most amount of activity, and there is one ghost in particular, purportedly Lord Dunraven, the previous owner of the land the property was built on, who can be seen standing over the bed or looking out the window of room 407. He is widely blamed for any jewelry or valuables that have gone missing in the hotel over the years.

8 . The Brown LadyRaynham Hall

Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England, is home to the subject of one of the most famous ghost photos ever captured, the Brown Lady is named so because she appears in a rich brocade brown dress. She is widely believed to be Lady Dorothy Walpole, sister of Sir Robert Walpole, who married Charles, 2nd Viscount Townshend in 1713. She died under mysterious circumstances in 1726, and sightings of her began shortly after. Though reports of sightings have waned dramatically since the photo was taken in 1936, sightings before then had been reported by some fairly reputable sources. My favorite account is from a Major Loftus, who was staying at Raynham Hall in 1849. Retiring to bed one night, he and a friend named Hawkins observed a woman in brown brocade who vanished as Major Loftus approached her. Determined to confront the apparition, the next night he returned to she same spot and saw her again. He was horrified to see however, that when he looked into her face he saw only two black sockets where her eyes should have been. Unsettling to say the least!

7 . Clifton Hall

If you have a spare £2.75 million laying around, you can be the proud owner of Clifton Hall in Nottinghamshire, England. The property was noted as far back as the 11th century, and was in the hands of the Clifton family from the 13th century until its sale in 1958. From there it became a school, then another school, then another school , then a planned set of luxury apartments, before finally settling as a private residence most recently belonging to a mister Anwar Rashid, his wife, and their four children. It boasts 17 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, 10 reception rooms, a private gym and a cinema. Oh, and a few ghosts, of course. The Rashid family experienced unsettling phenomena their very first night in the home, in the form of a knocking sound and a man’s voice calling “Hello, is anyone there?” In one incident, Anwar’s wife, Nabila, went downstairs to prepare some milk for their 18 month old son at five o’clock in the morning and observed her eldest daughter sat in front of the television. When calling out to her gave no answer, Nabila got a strange feeling and went back upstairs to her daughter’s room, where the eldest was found still fast asleep in her bed. The Rashids fled the house after 8 months of putting up with the hauntings. Though their accounts are the most recent and easiest to find during research, there had been rumors and sightings on the property for as long as anyone could remember, including babies crying and a woman who could be seen through a window pacing in a room that had been bricked up and inaccessible.

6 . The White Lady Balete Drive

Oh, the ghosts of the Philippines! A Lady in White is undoubtedly the most common type of ghost anywhere in the world, and joins a laundry list of spirits in the Philippines for this story. I will say in research I have come across two accounts from locals of Quezon City, Philippines that say this is just a hoax, but I will stick with the majority opinion that there is something there. Believers report a woman in white with long black hair and her face either completely blank or obscured by blood standing in the middle of the road on Balete Drive. It is said you should avoid driving there at night – but if you do, make sure your back seat is full of passengers. Apparently it is in empty back seats that the White Lady will hitch a ride, spotted by the unfortunate driver in their rear view after they experience a dreadful ominous feeling.

5. Chloe and The Myrtles Plantation

Legend has it Chloe was a slave in the house of the Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville, Louisiana who had a bad habit of listening at keyholes to the goings on of the residents. Caught one day in the act by the Master of the house, he lopped off her ear as punishment, forcing her to wear a green scarf over her head to cover the wound. As punishment, she baked a cake with oleander leaves, a common plant in the south that is immensely poisonous. Though the master of the house was her target, her victims became his wife and two daughters, who died in agony a couple days after eating the cake. Chloe fled the house and was lynched by field slaves on the plantation for the wicked light she cast on the rest of them.

Fortunately or no, there is no historical evidence to back up this story, just an intriguing photo. True or not (probably not), there are certainly plenty of other ghosts to keep you company, including a young girl frequently spotted in a mirror on the stairs, and another young girl who chants voodoo over people who dare to sleep in her room. The Myrtles is currently a Bed and Breakfast that gives regular tours to those curious enough to want to see the house- just not alone after dark.

4 . Resurrection Mary

Traveling northeast on Archer Lane between the Willowbrook Ballroom and Resurrection Cemetery in Justice, Illinois, young men might find themselves tempted to pick up a young woman hitchhiking on the side of the road. She has light blond hair and blue eyes, is wearing a white party dress, and has been dead since the 1930’s. If you pick her up, she will stop you in front of Resurrection cemetery and vanish from the car. She is a classic example of the vanishing hitchhiker legend, a type of ghost story that has been around for at least a few hundred years. What makes this one so distinctive is the consistency of the story- the girl looks the same, wears the same dress, disappears in the same spot. Also worth noting stories of this particular hitchhiker popped up suddenly in the mid thirties and have been going strong ever since, and not just for those in the know. An account from 1973 sees a cab driver inquiring at Chet’s Melody Lounge across the street from the cemetery about a girl who fled his cab without paying her fare. Only his description of her sounded mighty familiar to the customers: Resurrection Mary had struck again!

3 .The Flying Dutchman

It was 1641 when Captain Hendrik van der Decken swore he would round the Cape of Good Hope if it took him till doomsday. At his current rate, it probably will. The captain’s ship, known as The Flying Dutchman, has been seen frequently around the area, a phantom ship often so close the witnesses would swear it was on a crash course for their ship, only to see it vanish before them. It is always viewed as a bad omen to see the ship. Such a sighting was witnessed by the future King George V of England in 1881. He wrote: “At 4 a.m. the Flying Dutchman crossed our bows. A strange red light as of a phantom ship all aglow, in the midst of which light the masts, spars, and sails of a brig 200 yards distant stood out in strong relief as she came up on the port bow”. Later that morning, the sailor who originally spotted the vessel fell to his death.

2 .Abraham Lincoln

Legend has it Lincoln saw his fate before he was assassinated. He reported a dream to his cabinet in which he wandered into a funeral at the white house, and when he inquired of one of the mourners who had died, the man responded “The President… he was killed by an assassin.”

Lincoln’s ghost has been spotted by many visitors and residents of the white house, among them First Lady Grace Coolidge, Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, and even Winston Churchill, who of course had something clever to say on the occasion. He claimed to be fresh from the bath, in the nude (what an image!) walking into the bedroom when he saw Lincoln standing near the fireplace. He quipped “Good evening, Mr. President. You seem to have me at a disadvantage.”, after which Lincoln smiled softly and disappeared.

1 .Anne Boleyn

Second Wife of Henry VIII and mother of a future Queen Elizabeth I, Anne Boleyn had three years as queen consort before Henry tired of her. Accused (most historians agree falsely) of adultery, incest and witchcraft, she faced an executioner’s sword with her head held high on May 19th, 1536. The executioner was reported to have said “Where is my sword?” before striking the single blow necessary, apparently in an effort to ease Anne’s anticipation by making her think she had a few moments more.

Her ghost has been spotted by several different people in several different locations: Hever Castle, Blickling Hall, Salle Church, Marwell Hall, and perhaps most famously the Tower of London. Though she is most often seen just as she was alive- a beautiful woman in a beautiful gown- some sightings are a bit more upsetting. More unlucky individuals will see her as she was just after death- headless, often with the head tucked under one arm. It has become such an iconic image it is often parodied in movies and television, and more elaborate Halloween costumes. One must not forget, however, what you would think if such a vision approached you in some dark corridor one night.

Aug 1, 2010

Anuar Zain-Jangan Bersedih Lagi

Jangan bersedih lagi
Keringkanlah titisan air mata di pipi(mu)
Tabahkan hatimu
Sekalipun tak pernah terduga
Halangan yang melanda
Impian bersama
Jangan dikesali
Atas apa yang terjadi
Mungkin rahmat sebaliknya
Membuahkan bahagia
Aku tahu
Kita sama saling percaya
Tidak pernah
Ada dusta
Kasih antara kita
Jangan berduka (kekasihku)
Jangan berdendam pada sesiapa
Segala-galanya dengan redha

( bridge )
Mungkin suatu hari
Kita akan bersama lagi
Aku masih mengharap
Segalanya kan
Berulang semula

( korus )
Aku tahu
Kita sama saling percaya
Tidak pernah

Ada dusta
Kasih antara kita
Jangan berduka (kekasihku)
Jangan berdendam pada sesiapa
Segala-galanya dengan redha