live the house like this.......

sourounding with neighbour that also have beautiful antique cottage...

that i could visit them in the gloomy evening...

with beautiful scene and building....

or perhaps my wkends transit.... :p

after long day of working......

it's time for me to pemper my body with beautiful dresses.....

for my knight to see......

and carry me to a ball.....

or with romantic this.......

and then dance until the night....just two of us.....

oh of course everybody else to witness our romance......

and also with very VVIP VVIP distinguished guest.....
and of course after the dancing me with friend take some rest at beautiful garden....

and in the morning had a beautiful breakfast with my man.....
oh i wish i could live on that period....
i really love 17,18,19th century...
mostly in western place
all about that....all about the dress,scene,talk,building.............................
there are so beautiful.....free from any pollution...free from anything that man can destroy it...
and for that i had my collection for period movies and book..full of collection of picture on my pc..
and also my favourite radio is also Opus fm!
oh..if i could be there...and my lips are speechless.............
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